comment-j-ai-deteste-les-maths-posterTUESDAY 24 TH FEBRUARY JANUARY 2015
AT 6.30 PM


HOW I CAME TO HATE MATH (Comment j’ai détesté les maths) by Olivier Peyon (2012) 1h43 documentary
Math always bored you, you always thought that being useless at math was inevitable, in short, you always loathed math!
We could have been happy to laugh at them if mathematics hadn’t taken such an important place in our society: Apple, Google, Goldman Sachs are nothing more than algorithms and mathematic formulae.
How did mathematics end up suffering from such a lack of interest at the very moment that they rule the world? Through a journey to the four corners of the world in the company of the greatest mathematicians, including Cédric Villani (2010 Fields Medal), Comment j’ai détesté les maths recounts how mathematics have changed our world for the better… and sometimes for the worst.FREE for members/ Donations accepted for non members
We offer pop corn!In French with English subtitles.

Watch the trailer!

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