Ciné Club, en partenariat avec IF CinémaIf cinéma

Tuesday 29th April 2014 – 6:30pm
Location: Alliance Francaise, Panjim Free Screening for AF members.
Donations accepted for non members! Free pop-corn!
Movie will be screened in French with English subtitles.

du-vent-dans-mes-mollets-posterDu Vent dans mes mollets
de Carine Tardieu (1h29min)
The Dandelions by Carine Tardieu (1h29min)

Rachel Gladstein petite fille timide de neuf ans, aimée par son père et étouffée par une mère juive possessive fait la connaissance à la rentrée des classes de Valérie, une fillette intrépide et effrontée de son âge. Rachel, influencée par sa nouvelle amie, se livre à son tour aux grossièretés, aux gestes scabreux et aux bêtises. Elle dort avec son cartable sur le dos à la veille de la rentrée des classes, et doit consulter la psychologue Mme Trebla qui va entrer dans son intimité.

Rachel Gladstein is a shy nine year old girl, wants to be like any other girl of her age, but grows under the overprotective watch of her mother Colette. Her father Michel, on the other hand, doesn’t even bother to take an interest in her affairs. Her frequent visits to a child psychiatrist doesn’t seem to solve her problem either. Rachel’s world, however, turns upside down when she befriends the brazen and intrepid Valerie at school. Together, they indulge in several mischiefs and share all their intimate thoughts with each other. But life, as we all know, cannot be always hunky-dory. Cracks start showing up gradually in the family, and how they cope with it forms the rest of the story.

Watch the trailer!